Far Beyond Driven
In spite of the hype surrounding Vulgar Display of Power, it is obvious that Far Beyond Driven is the real deal when it comes to 90s heavy metal. A lot of people in the media are trying to belittle FBD and heap all the praise on the overrated VDOP. And a lot of so-called "true metal" posers/Pantera haters (especially pretenders at the metal archives site) display their ignorance by taking potshots at FBD being Pantera's "worst album" or some other ignorant rant.
Far Beyond Driven is Pantera's true magnum opus as it merges two heavy metal styles: groove and heavy metal. Vulgar was merely a transitional album to bridge the speed metal stylings of Cowboys from Hell. Songs such as "Strength Beyond Strength", "Becoming" and "Slaughtered" are classics of grooving heavy metal. What I don't understand are these dick riding posers at metal archives who bitch and moan that allegedly, Pantera and their albums gave rise to nu-metal bands Korn and Limp Bizkit, which of course is a preposterous and absurd claim.
These same no-life idiots who badly need to get laid get so worked up over their Pantera bashing, it's pathetic and hilarious. They bash the groove metal style and praise obscure thrash bands with statements like "it's so fast and brootal dude, fuck Pantera, they ripped off Exhorder's sound" or some other bullshit. Well, guess what assholes, thrash isn't really "pure metal" because it has been diluted by punk rock. Ask any hardcore punk rocker and he or she will say that speed is the essence of hardcore punk, not heavy metal. Groovy heavy metal is much closer in spirit to true metal as it requires skill, a sense of melody and rhythm while a lot of thrash bands are just fast sounding garbage no one (in their right minds at least or those not infected with the asshole virus) would listen to twice.
Anyways, FBD is the best grooving heavy metal album and it is a definitive example of 90s heavy metal. Anyone who does not agree is an asswipe and an asshole.
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